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Explore Our Work

  • Charity Work: The CWA has contributed great effort and time to support Friendship With Cambodia, a non-profit organization that works to create scholarships for the poorest students from very remote villages in Cambodia. We are providing scholarships to two girls in Cambodia.

  • Community Workshops:
  • Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention.
  • Education on Gang Prevention.
  • Safety for Women and Crime Prevention.
  • After School Program: There was an After School Program running by CWA at Asian Family Pacific Family Center to asist children with homework, reading and writing. Due to the facilty shut down and other difficulties, we are no longer able to offer this program. .

  • Citizen's Rights and Responsibilities: The CWA produced a Khmer translation immigrant handbook called 'Immigrant Rights, Responsibilities and Resources' for Santa Clara County which covers all basic education for being a responsible citizen.

  • Conducting Census: We, as a community organization, worked in partnership with the Asian Law Alliance to conduct extensive outreach to all community members in Santa Clara County, especially the hard-to-count districts where people needed translation.

  • Culture and Arts: Cambodia is rich in culture and arts and CWA promotes and supports the Khmer New Year Celebration, Pchum Ben festival and the classical and traditional dance groups. We host Cambodian booths at city and county multi-euthenic cultural fairs to display traditional costumes, art works and information about Cambodia.

  • Women's Support Group: We offer help to women who are the victims of domestic violence, women who have lost their loved ones, women who go through divorces and provide other help in time of sickness and mental hardship.

  • Translation Work

  • Translation Work (Khmer/English and English/Khmer): We provide English-Cambodian translation to seniors or new immigrants and we work with other agencies and organizations who need Khmer translation. Most of our members are Khmer/Cambodian interpreters.